Air Products

More even heating.
Even more heating performance.

Transient Heating oxy-fuel burner

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Boost your reverb furnace performance . . .

Air Products' patented Transient Heating oxy-fuel burner is the only smart burner technology in the world using a sensor-driven control strategy to direct heat down toward the melt; sequentially to all areas of your furnace. This allows you to achieve more even heating throughout your reverb furnace, eliminate cold zones, and maximize melt rates.

Conventional sidewall-fired burners direct energy into open spaces within a furnace and radiate energy in all directions, transferring heat directly to the melt and indirectly to the refractory. The rate of overall energy input is determined and limited by the maximum allowable surface temperature of the refractory. In contrast, the Transient Heating burner, is usually mounted on the furnace roof and typically has four nozzles directed toward four quadrants of the furnace below the burner. Using proprietary control techniques, coupled with temperature feedback, the burner can direct heat to any combination of the quadrants; delivering the efficiency benefits of direct flame impingement, while avoiding overheating by limiting the firing in any one direction.

Transient Heating oxy-fuel burner

When installed in a reverb furnace, it can help you:

This innovative technology can help you realize:

Your key operating personnel can have instantaneous access to up-to-date burner operating parameters in your control room or remote computers and smart devices through Air Products Smart Technology, which uses state-of-the-art on-burner diagnostic sensors and wireless communications technology to monitor and control our gases and equipment as well as track key process parameters.

Talk to our experts

... to get even more out of your reverb furnace! Please call us on 0800 389 0202 or click here
Cleanfire® HRx Oxy-fuel Burner

Transient Heating oxy-fuel burner, featuring Smart Technology. Datasheet →
(PDF, 950 KB)

Video: Cleanfire® HRx Oxy-fuel B
urner, featuring Smart Technology

Transient Heating oxy-fuel burner, featuring Smart Technology. Play Video →

Articles & Papers

Effective Use of Oxy-fuel Combustion in Aluminum Reverberatory Furnaces, Light Metal Age. Article → (PDF, 1 MB)

Combustion Technologies Improve Melting Furnace Productivity, Industrial Heating. Article → (PDF, 2 MB)

Oxy-Fuel Technologies and Strategies for Secondary Aluminum Melting Operations, Light Metal Age. Article → (PDF, 180 KB)


Contact us

Call 0800 389 0202 or fill out the form below to learn how to boost your reverb furnace performance with the Transient Heating oxy-fuel burner.

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