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If you need help deciding which size dewar and delivery plan will work best for you, why not visit our helpful selector tool.

Select your dewar size and delivery frequency:

Dewar size Deliveries per year Approx. days
between deliveries
Annual fee for liquid
nitrogen delivery only
30 4 91 £409.00
30 8 45 £751.00
30 16 23 £1,365.00
50 4 91 £546.00
50 8 45 £1,024.00
50 16 23 £1,911.00

*Please consider that liquid nitrogen will naturally evaporate, even when not in use, this loss can be up to 2% of your volume per day, this should be factored into your decision when choosing the right dewar size and delivery schedule. If you’re not sure click here for our helpful guide which demonstrates typical consumption for common applications, including evaporation rates.

Prices are valid for the entire United Kingdom with the following exceptions; Northern Ireland or one of the following postcodes, KW - Kirkwall, IV - Inverness, AB -Aberdeen, PH - Perth, PA - Paisley, FK – Falkirk If you are located in one of these regions, please contact for pricing.