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Frosty Fortunes: Prioritizing Quality and Avoiding Cheap Freezer Traps

As you contemplate the acquisition of a cryogenic freezer, you may find yourself in a familiar dilemma. Drawn towards the most economical options, you question whether these freezers are actually good value for money. What is the true cost of thrift when storing life-saving medicines and life-giving IVF samples? Air Products is here to guide you through the perils of false economy in the cryogenic freezer market and present a range of high-quality cryogenic freezers you can trust.
Prioritizing Quality and Avoiding Cheap Freezer Traps

Subzero Solutions: Choosing the Right Cryogenic Freezer

Before examining the challenges associated with navigating the cryogenic freezer market, it is important to understand which cryogenic freezer aligns most suitably with your needs. Cryogenic freezers are available in various sizes, storage capacities, operating temperature ranges, energy efficiency ratings, and storage methods. For those wishing to preserve biological samples using liquid nitrogen (LN2), there are two main storage methods:

  1. Vapor-phase storage
  2. Liquid-phase storage

Immersion in LN2, while commonly used for cryogenic storage, presents several drawbacks compared to vapor-phase cryogenic freezers. One significant concern is the risk of contamination, which is more pronounced in liquid-phase freezers due to the direct contact between samples and the LN2. Vapor-phase cryogenic freezers mitigate this risk by maintaining samples above the LN2 level, minimizing the chances of contamination.

Additionally, vial explosions pose a potential danger in liquid-phase storage, where even a single drop of LN2 entering a sample vial can lead to vial explosions upon warming. In contrast, vapor-phase storage eliminates this risk, as samples are not directly exposed to LN2. Therefore, while immersion in LN2 is commonly favored for long-term preservation, the adoption of vapor-phase cryogenic freezers offers enhanced safety and reduced risk of contamination and sample loss.1,2
For more information regarding the benefits of vapor-phase storage compared with liquid-phase storage, visit

Easy Come, Easy Go:
Challenges in Selecting High-Quality Cryogenic Freezers

When evaluating the purchase of a cryogenic freezer, you may encounter several challenges, including the paradox of over-choice and the potential pitfalls associated with opting for cheaper, low-quality freezers.

The paradox of over-choice occurs when an abundance of options leads to decision paralysis, making it harder to choose the most suitable freezer. With a wide range of models, features, and specifications available, navigating the cryogenic freezer market can be overwhelming, complicating the selection process for your specific requirements.

Compounding this problem is the allure of relatively inexpensive cryogenic freezers, which can present a false economy. Despite their initial affordability, these budget-friendly options often sacrifice quality, reliability, and the comprehensive support needed for extended use. Moreover, they may have shorter lifespans, inferior warranties, and limited shipping choices, ultimately leading to higher total ownership costs in the long run.

Freezing Out the Competition:
Air Products’ Line of Cryogenic Freezers

Air Products supplies an extensive range of MVE cryogenic freezers in conjunction with industry-leading features and services designed to enhance user experience and ensure optimal performance over each freezer’s lifespan. Available at price points reflective of superior quality, our cryogenic freezers ensure:

Air Products: An Investment in Excellence

Navigating the landscape of cryogenic freezers can be challenging. While cheaper units may be tempting, the potential risks and hidden costs associated with low-quality freezers often outweigh the initial savings. Air Products’ range of high-quality MVE cryogenic freezers offers a solution to this dilemma, providing exceptional quality, industry-leading warranties, customizable storage capacities, reliable logistics, and a dedicated customer service team.

Invest in quality you can trust and explore our product range at:

References and Further Reading

  1. Air Products. [Online] The benefits of vapour cryogenic storage v liquid storage.
    Available at: (Accessed on 01 February 2024).
  2. Simione, F., et al. (2017). Best practices for storing and shipping cryopreserved cells.  In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal.
  3. Air Products. [Online] Liquid Nitrogen Cryogenic Freezers.
    Available at: (Accessed on 10 February 2024).
  4. Air Products. [Online] Bulk Delivery and Storage Solutions.
    Available at: (Accessed on 01 February 2024).

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