rethink what you know about
cryogenic storage

Cryogenics is a constantly advancing science. Here you'll find the latest news and articles on all aspects of cryogenics, to help you keep abreast of the latest developments.


Long term cost efficiency in cryopreservation

Long term cost efficiency in cryopreservation

Discover our advice and guidance on how to make your labs cryopreservation efficient and cost effective in the long term.
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How long can you store stem cells?

How long can you store stem cells?

Regenerative medicine and stem cell applications are an advancing science, used to treat illnesses and immune disorders and, ultimately, save lives ...
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Fertility sample storage changes

Fertility sample storage changes

Recently revealed government plans show that ministers want to give people more flexibility in starting a family and plan to extend storage limits to 55 years ...
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Frosty Fortunes: Prioritizing Quality and Avoiding Cheap Freezer Traps

Frosty Fortunes: Prioritizing Quality and Avoiding Cheap Freezer Traps

As you contemplate the acquisition of a cryogenic freezer, you may find yourself in a familiar dilemma. Drawn towards the most economical options, you question whether these freezers are ...
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How Energy Efficient Are Liquid Nitrogen Freezers?

How Energy Efficient Are Liquid Nitrogen Freezers?

In facilities such as blood banks, medical research centres and fertility clinics, the safe storage of biological samples is vital. Long term preservation of such fragile samples requires extremely low ...
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Cryoroom Project Management

Cryoroom Project Management

Managing a Cryoroom project for installation at a medical or scientific facility can be a daunting task with a range of potential obstacles to consider. Air Products Cryoroom Design and Project Management services are here to help you through this ...
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How cryogenics have revolutionised animal breeding

How cryogenics have revolutionised animal breeding

We now have the ability to aid both selective breeding and species preservation with the use of cryogenic freezing...
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Get an autofill cryogenic freezer, get a better night's sleep

There are so many things to consider with a manual freezer ‐ refills, lack of liquid nitrogen and the fear of errors and complications, ...
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Are cryogenics the key to fertility treatment?

While developments and research are ongoing, we have come a long way with reproductive medicine in recent years ...
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The benefits of vapour cryogenic storage v liquid storage

When storing biological samples at cryogenic temperatures using liquid nitrogen there are two main options to consider...
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Is it time to upgrade from aluminium storage container freezers to a larger automated freezer?

Samples are generally never thrown away by researchers or laboratory staff. This means your collection of containers ...
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Is LN2 the right choice for your laboratory freezers?

Dispelling the myths of using liquid nitrogen as a coolant
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What Happens if your Sample Freezer Fails?

A sample freezer failure is the worst case scenario for many laboratories. Do you have a process in place if your ULT freezer malfunctions?
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The Cost of Mechanical Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers

ULT sample storage freezers are a vital part of many bio-banks, clinics and laboratories throughout the world.
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Mechanical v nitrogen vapour sample freezers

Whether the samples in question are stem cells, reproductive cells or other biological samples, every researcher will have their preferred storage method.
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Aluminium Freezers

How to identify signs that your, manual fill, aluminium freezers might be failing.

Stainless steel freezers

How to get the best out of your automated stainless-steel freezer.

Liquid nitrogen Supply lines

Often overlooked, but key to minimising liquid nitrogen wastage.

External liquid nitrogen tanks

Tips and advice for monitoring and maintaining their efficiency.

Cryogenic Freezing FAQs

Air Products is a member of the BCGA (British Compressed Gases Association) which defines the Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes for the safe use in Gases and Equipment and so can provide advice on ensuring that your room meets all the relevant guidelines.

Whilst most smaller aluminium freezers still store in liquid nitrogen, larger capacity modern auto-fill freezers like the MVE HEco units use nitrogen vapour as the storage medium whilst maintaining a vapour temperature of -190°C at the top of the inventory.

The liquid nitrogen that Air Products supplies to all our customers is to MDR (Medical Device Regulation) certified to ISO 13485 with a purity of 99.999%.

Air Products offers cylinders, the traditional solution for low volume of gas. For small and medium sized users, single cylinders offer a low-cost, versatile method of gas supply. Cylinders can be supplied in a full range of sizes, pressures and gas purities for a wide range of gases and gas mixtures. For larger volumes, Air Products can also supply manifolded cylinder packs.

Yes. MVE Biomedical have introduced the MVE Variō series, a range of variable temperature cryogenic freezers which provide excellent temperature stability and reliable sample storage. They are able to operate with less than 1% of the power consumption and approximately 70% overall operating cost savings when compared to the leading mechanical freezers.


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